Introducing our SPM with unquestionable challenges and pioneering spirit.

Background of the establishment of a technology laboratory

In March 1993, a team of five specialists in CNC Wire Cut Electrical Discharge Machine established Seoul Precision Machine Co., Ltd. (now SPM Co., Ltd.) with the goal of achieving "technological independence and dominating the global CNC Wire Cut EDM market." After years of extensive research, the founders successfully launched their independently developed CNC Wire Cut EDM in June 1995. This accomplishment laid the foundation for SPM Co., Ltd. to grow into the largest specialized wire-cut EDM company in South Korea. We has successfully developed core technologies for wire-cut EDM using its proprietary expertise, including CNC systems, discharge power supplies and control units, wire feeding systems, machining liquid supply devices, and automatic wire-connection devices. The company is now competing fiercely with global manufacturers. To secure advanced technology and expand its market share, we are systematically building a team of skilled professionals to develop core wire-cut EDM technologies. Supporting this mission, we established its corporate research center in April 2002 and has been operating it since then.

Laboratory function & research field

The corporate research center is committed to improving and upgrading existing products based on market demands while also developing next-generation products to lead the industry. The primary research areas are as follows:

Precise location control technique
As the application of new materials and advanced technologies continues to expand, and as the use of wire-cut EDMs in machining grows, the demand for precision control technologies has risen significantly. SPM is conducting extensive research on machine tools to meet various and complex conditions. Key areas of research include minimizing positional errors, vibration suppression resulting from hardware design and drive systems, nonlinear control technologies, and studies on mechanical deformation. These efforts include the development of :
∙ Full-Closed Loop Control using linear scales
∙ Reconfigured feed axis designs employing linear motors
∙ Predictive design of mechanical deformation through structural analysis

High precise discharge power supply unit development
Wire-cut EDM cut workpieces using a combination of wires and ionized water, which requires minimizing and preventing cracks or corrosion. To address these challenges, SPM is conducting ongoing research on non-electrolytic power supplies to prevent equipment damage. Additionally, the company is developing ultra-precision power supplies to enhance equipment accuracy and surface quality.

Auto wire feeding unit
Wire specifications are critical for maximizing the utility of machined workpieces. While 0.25§® wires are commonly used in the field, high-purity materials or industries requiring high precision often demand cutting with 0.1§® wires. SPM has successfully developed a wire-connection device for diameters of 0.1§® or smaller with a success rate of ¡¾95%. Currently, the company is focusing on developing automatic connection devices for ultra-thin wires.

Discharge algorithm development
Wire-cut EDM exhibit high accuracy in linear machining but may encounter errors during rotational or spherical machining. Additionally, significant differences in workpiece height can lead to slow wire movement and even breakage. To address these challenges, SPM is developing a range of software algorithms, such as adaptive discharge control, corner control, and height-difference machining. These innovations aim to improve machining precision, enhance stability, and ensure dynamic speed control.